


Invest 86 Million to Build Municipal Garbage Treatment Production Line
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2013-09-30 來源:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)
On Sept 4th, Zhong county government, Chongqing conch and Wuhu conch venture signed the cooperation agreement about The Three Gorges Reserior Regions’ municipal garbage treatment project in the Anhui conch group’s head office building. The mayor of Zhong county Xiong Shiming attended the ceremony.
This project is about using cement kiln to dispose municipal garbage, total investment is 86 million rmb. Its daily treatment capacity can reach to 200 tons when it has been put into production.
Other leaders such as Ao Bin and Yan Zongxiang also attended the ceremony.
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