


The General Manager of Conch Venture Ji Qinying Visited leaders from Anhui Provincial Government and Department of Housing and Urban-Rural
Date:2014-01-19 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

On Jan.17th,2014, the general manager of Conch Venture Ji Qinying visited the vice governor Chen Shulong and the director of department of housing and urban-rural Li Ming successively, reported the advice on promotion of Municipal refuse treatment via cement kiln project and grate furnace waste-to-energy power plant project. These two projects adopt?the world leading technology which was reseached and developed by company and Kawasaki Heavy Industry from Japan. At present, company is able to provide the integrated resolution of whole design, equipments manufacturing, construction and operation, technology instruction. Company can meet different requirements by using multiple business modes such as BOT, BO, EPC,EP and so on.

Recently, we have developed new type of grate furnace waste-to-energy power plant technology at basis of municipal waste treatment via kiln technology and the absorption of the successful performance, operation experience of almost 300 suites waste incineration equipments from Kawasaki Heavy industry: this technology makes the contaminant emission index through the waste incineration process better than European standard by using an advanced technological package of grate furnace, waste heat boiler and contaminant treatment system which is especially suitable for some urban areas where there are lots of garbage but without cement kiln, and even we can build them inside the urban residential areas.

Mr Ji adviced the department of housing and urban-rural that according to document 41 which was released by the State Council, and also learned from other provinces, we should develop the comparative advantage of municipal waste treatment via kiln, and set out the meassures of promotion and popularization, choose municipal waste treatment via kiln technology in areas with suitable cement enterprises surrounded? where there requires dealing with garbage, then choose grate furnace technology in areas where there are lots of garbage but without cement kiln.

After heard from Ji Qinying, the vice governor pointed that the issue of waste treatment has always been cared by any level of government. Conch Venture always acts as a big enterprise to practise the social responsibility. Tongling waste treatment project attracted extensive attention and achieved good social benefit, solved the local waste treatment problem thoroughly. Now Conch Venture has researched and developed the grate furnace technology which could be considered as a big event. The provincial government will support the promotion of these two technologies, the department of housing and urban-rural should disscuss and research seriously with financial dpt. and environmental protection dpt. and search for the support of national policies.

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