


Conch Venture actively organized to watch the opening ceremony of the two sessions
Date:2020-05-23 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

        On May 22, 2020, the third session of the 13th National People's Congress was held in Beijing.All units of Conch Venture actively organized to watch the opening ceremony of the two sessions to listen to the government work report, based on their own work, cultivate the core values of socialism, and promote the company's development in an all-round way with a more energetic mental state and a solid work style.


        The State Council Premier Li Keqiang made a government work report, which made overall arrangements for the next stage of environmental protection work.He said,"It is necessary to fight the battles for the protection of blue sky, clear water and pure land, and to achieve the staged objectives of the battle against pollution.Promote the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and grasp the great protection.Compilation of outlines for ecological protection and high-quality development planning in the Yellow River Basin.Improve the effectiveness of ecological environment governance.Highlight pollution control according to law, science and precision.Deepen air pollution control in key areas.Strengthen the construction of sewage and garbage disposal facilities. Accelerate the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises. Strengthen the energy conservation and environmental protection industry.Implement important projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems, and promote the construction of ecological civilization."




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