


The 2014 General Meeteing Was Held by Conch Venture
Date:2014-06-10 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

In the morning at 10:00 of 21 May 2014, the 2014 general meeting of Conch Venture was held at conference room 528, Wuhu Conch International Conference Center. The sharesholder representatives such as Mr Guo Wensan, Mr Zhu Dejin, Mr Wang Jun, Mr Liu Yi and so on attended the meeting. Company’s share registrar in Hong Kong-Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited was appointed as the polling agent and counting agent.

The general manager of Conch Venture Mr Ji Qinying, the independent non-executive directors Mr Chan Chi on and Mr Chan Kai Wing, the auditor form KPMG and other relevant stuff also attended the meeting.

10 resolutions were reviewed by the shareholder representatives like 2013 Report of The Directors, 2013 Annual Financial Report, The 2013 Final Dividend and so on. Those resolutions were appoved by voting.

Mr Ji Qinying reported the recent production and operation situation about the company which was steady from January to April.

The independent non-executive director Mr Chan Kai Wing first expressed his pleasure to be the independent non-executive director, his determination to fulfil his duty and his best wishes to the company’s development.

The independent non-executive director Mr Chan Chi On advised company to pay more attention to the connected transactions since the supervision departments have enhanced the supervision and control strength in Hong Kong.

The shareholder representatives Mr Guo Wensan and Mr Zhu Dejin also brought up some feasible advices to company.

At the end, the chairman Mr Guo Jingbin made the concluding remarks.

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