
代做CSCI 2525、c/c++,Java程序語(yǔ)言代寫

時(shí)間:2024-03-13  來(lái)源:  作者: 我要糾錯(cuò)

CSCI 2525 Assignment 3
Create the two programs described below. Upload them to Canvas prior to the
due date.
1. reorder.asm
- rearranges the values of the following array into the order shown. Use
only MOV and XCHG to accomplish the desired result. Do not use any immediate
values except in the .data section. Use only direct offset addressing to
accomplish the goal. Be as efficient as you can. Note: You will have to look in
memory to see if you have achieved your goal. You may not create other data
elements to assist with this problem.
Original Array: MyArray WORD 5767h, 2132h, 4798h
At the end of this part of the assignment, the array will be in increasing order.
This means in memory, not just the registers.
You will be using a new Irvine Library function. DumpMem.
In order to use this you need the following information.
ESI = Offset of myArray
ECX = # of elements in myArray. Use the $ directive in .data to get this
EBX = unit size (good place to use TYPE instruction).
After you have the information required in ESI, ECX, and EBX, you will simply type
call DumpMem on the next line.
To be clear, it will be something like the following (where you will fill in the
mov esi, xxxxxxx
mov ecx, xxxxxxx
mov ebx, xxxxxxx
call dumpmem
2. fibonacci.asm
- computes the following.
a. Compute fib(n) for n = 2, 3, …, 9 using an array, of the appropriate
size and type. If you so desire, you may declare a value for fib(0) and
fib(1). However, all computation of the remaining elements of the
array must be done by your program, no use of immediate values is
allowed. In other words, you must use the formula shown below
(figure 1) to determine the values of the remainder of the required
elements. Do not declare an array pre-filled with the required
b. After your array is filled with required values, store fib(5) through
fib(9) in consecutive bytes of the ebx register starting from the
lowest byte; that is, fib(5) is stored in the low byte (bl) of ebx, fib(6)
is stored in the next byte (bh), fib(7) is stored in the next byte of ebx
and fib(8) is stored in the highest byte.
Figure 1: Information on the Fibonnaci sequence
Notes for Fibonacci.asm
1. Assume fib(0)=0, fib(1)=1. These are the only two values you may directly
initialize in the .data section. You can declare them as part of the array.
2. You may use any instruction/directive/operator through chapter 4 pg 128,
including any of the arithmetic operators +, *, /, -.
3. Your program must use indirect operands in some way as discussed in
chapter 4.
4. Your program must calculate all values of the Fibonacci sequence except
Fib(0) and Fib (1).
5. You must use a loop.
Specifications for Entire Assignment
1. Your program must make calls to DumpRegs as necessary.
2. You may not use immediate values for any portion of this assignment except
where specifically allowed.
Example: mov ebx, 08050302 ;// This is not allowed
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  • 上一篇:IEMS 5730代做、c++,Java語(yǔ)言編程代寫
  • 下一篇:代寫CISC221、Java/Python設(shè)計(jì)編程代做
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