

時間:2024-05-14  來源:  作者: 我要糾錯

Assessment 1 Brief
Title Assessment 1
Type Programming
Individual or Group Individual
Due Date Monday 13 May 11:59 pm AEST (Week 3 Monday)
Length N/A
Weighting 30%
Academic Integrity Contract cheating and any use of GenAI, such as ChatGPT, in this
assignment are strictly prohibited. Any breach may have severe
consequences. Please read carefully the “Academic Integrity” section
Submission AWS application submission in Blackboard link. The application must be
present in the AWS workspace.
Unit Learning
This assessment task maps to the following ULOs:
ULO1: integrate cloud APIs and services to design and develop cloud
Learning and integrating cloud computing APIs would allow you to create real-world applications.
This assessment particularly asks to utilise cloud storage API and its features to create a website to
display a set of information. This is not a straightforward task, and you are required to understand
the API features and the programs shown in the classes clearly. You must transfer and combine the
knowledge they would learn in the class and from the material to complete this assessment. A realworld cloud developer would start learning fundamental cloud APIs, and create web application
using them. This assessment asks you to do the same task.
Task Description
Assume that you are a cloud developer at Southern Cross University and tasked to develop a website
that counts and displays the number of different types of files stored in an AWS cloud storage bucket
(i.e., S3 bucket). This can be done with a backend app (i.e., an S3 app) that reads the files in an S3
bucket and counts them according to their file types (e.g., txt, xlsx, png, jpg). Later, the backend app
“writes” the count information as a part of the HTML pages that are used to host the website. You
will learn details about these in the class. Please see below the example screenshots of the website’s
home page.
Example scenario and problem
An example of how your website would look like is given below:
Assessment 1 Brief
You can divide the whole project into two parts – Part A would be the website, and Part B would be
the backend Cloud9 app.

Note: You will use an AWS account provided by the university for this project, not a personal account.
This ensures that all resources and data are managed within the university's AWS ecosystem.
Task Instructions
Part A – Website
Complete the following tasks:
1. Create a cloud storage service bucket (aligns with ULO1):
Create an S3 bucket and upload some test files of different types – web, text, image, excel,
and others into the bucket. Configure the bucket with the appropriate “bucket policy” and
“public access” to ensure public access to the website.
2. Design a static website using cloud storage service (aligns with ULO1):
Create a static website with two pages – home and error, using corresponding HTML files
(i.e., home.html, error.html). The home page will print (display) the number of files available
within the S3 bucket for each file type. You need to consider the following types and
respective file extensions.
• Web (.html)
• Text (.txt)
• Image (.jpg)
• Excel (.xlsx)
• Other (.pdf, .xml, etc.)
The home page must reflect any changes to the files (rename, add, or delete file) in the
bucket. The error page will be displayed upon entering invalid website URL and will display a
simple error message, e.g., “404: Page not found”.
Part B – S3 App
Complete the following tasks:
1. Develop S3 app by integrating cloud storage service API (aligns with ULO1):
Develop an S3 application to add dynamic functionalities to the static website. The S3 app
must read the list of existing files, count them, and write this information into the
corresponding html file used as the home page. The home page should dynamically update to
show any modifications (such as renaming, adding, or deleting files) made in the bucket. The
S3 app must be run after any changes to files in the bucket. You need to develop the following
functionalities with detailed comments. Use separate class methods to implement the
a) Reading and counting the number of each file type (use the file types mentioned
Assessment 1 Brief
b) Crafting HTML content for 'home.html'. This file will display data regarding the types
of files and their quantities. All this information should be encapsulated within a
formatted string according to HTML standards.
c) Create (write) the ‘home.html’ in the bucket, which will overwrite the existing
d) Implement suitable exception handling mechanisms and utilise loops as needed.
Your website and S3 app must fulfil the following requirements.
• The functionalities of the S3 app must be implemented with AWS SDK 2.x and Java (shown in
• Names of the bucket and S3 app must be “yourscuusernamea1bucket” and
“yourscuusernameA1App”. You need to use a single bucket to host the website and develop S3 app.
• Your Cloud9 app must have three separate Java methods to implement reading/counting, preparing,
and creating.
• You must implement the assignment in the UA-provided AWS account, personal AWS account will not
be accepted.
Resources required to complete the assessment task
• Contents from Modules 1 and 2 of the unit site. You will learn how to create new file and list
existing files, hosting static website during the tutorials.
• You need additional resource to craft the HTML content for the ‘home.html’ file. You can use
an HTML list element to display/print the file counts and types to the home page. Please
check this link: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_lists_unordered.asp.
Task Submission
1. Download the final S3 app from Cloud9 workspace and submit the zipped app as
“yourscuusernameA1App.zip” to the Blackboard submission link in the unit site. The app
must also be present in the AWS workspace provided by the UA. The marker will test your
app functionality from this workspace.
2. The website URL to be submitted via the Blackboard submission link in the unit site.
Note: Multiple submissions are allowed until the deadline.
Academic Integrity
At Southern Cross University, academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty,
fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility and respect in relation to academic work.
The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic
and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more
information, see: SCU Academic Integrity Framework
Assessment 1 Brief
NOTE: Academic Integrity breaches include unacceptable use of generative artificial intelligence
(GenAI) tools, the use of GenAI has not been appropriately acknowledged or is beyond the
acceptable limit as defined in the Assessment, poor referencing, not identifying direct quotations
correctly, close paraphrasing, plagiarism, recycling, misrepresentation, collusion, cheating, contract
cheating, fabricating information.
GenAI is May Not be used for Assessment 1
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPT, must not be used for this
assessment task. You are required to demonstrate that you have developed the unit’s skills and
knowledge without any external support. If you use GenAI tools in your assessment task, it will
result in an academic integrity breach against you, as described in the Student Academic and NonAcademic Misconduct Rules, Section 3.
Since you are mastering fundamental skills, you are permitted to work from the examples in the
MySCU site or study guide, but you must acknowledge assistance from other textbooks, classmates,
or online resources. In particular, you must not use online material or help from others, as this
would prevent you from mastering these concepts.
This diagram will help you understand where you can get help:
GenAI e.g.,
Relatives Students
outside unit Hired coders
Classmates Private
Attribution Required (in the report)
Ask tutor
Not acceptable
Please note that if your marker has any suspicion that you had help with your work or is not your
own you will be asked to come to a meeting with your marker to explain your work. Any
student who is unable to explain their code will be submitted for academic misconduct.
Special Consideration
Please refer to the Special Consideration section of Policy.
Late Submissions & Penalties
Please refer to the Late Submission & Penalties section of Policy.
Assessment 1 Brief
Grades & Feedback
Assessments that have been submitted by the due date will receive an SCU grade. Grades and
feedback will be posted to the ‘Grades and Feedback’ section on the Blackboard unit site. Please
allow 7 days for marks to be posted.
Assessment 1 Brief
Assessment Rubric
Marking Criteria and %
High Distinction
Integrate cloud storage
service to set up and
configure a static
website, utilising cloudbased resources for web
hosting (ULO1) – 5%
Configures a static
website featuring
exceptionally designed
home and error pages,
with an S3 bucket
configured to perfection,
showcasing a deep
understanding of bucket
policy and public access
Configures a static
website with wellstructured home and
error pages, and the S3
bucket is configured with
considerable attention to
detail in bucket policies
and public access
controls, though minor
improvements could be
Configures a static
website with functional
home and error pages;
the S3 bucket
configuration is
adequate, addressing the
essential aspects of
bucket policies and public
access, with minor errors
Configures a basic static
website where the home
and error pages meet the
minimum criteria; the S3
bucket’s configuration
demonstrates an
understanding of the key
aspects of bucket policies
and/or public access,
though several errors are
Attempts to configure a
static website; however,
home and error pages
are either incomplete or
improperly configured.
The S3 bucket setup lacks
correct configuration of
bucket policies and public
access, failing to meet
the project criteria.
Integrate cloud storage
service to design a static
website (ULO1) – 10%
Develops a fully
functional website
featuring a home page
that accurately counts
and dynamically updates
for each file type in the
bucket upon
modifications, alongside
an error page that
precisely displays the
appropriate error
Develops a functional
website where the home
page accurately tracks
and updates file counts in
the bucket, despite minor
presentation issues. The
error page conveys error
messages effectively,
with some presentation
Develops a satisfactory
website where the home
page generally reflects
the count for each file
type in the bucket and
updates with
modifications, though
moderate discrepancies
in the displayed
information in home and
error pages.
Develops a basic website
with a home page that
displays the file counts
for each type in the
bucket and attempts to
update with file changes,
though not always
accurately. The error
page includes an error
message that is not fully
Attempts to create a
website; however, the
home and error pages
display inaccurate
information with no
reflection for any
changes in files, failing to
meet the project criteria.
Develop S3 app using
cloud storage service
(ULO1) – 40%
Develops an app that
executes flawlessly
without compile or
runtime errors,
accurately counts file
types, generates detailed
HTML content with count
Develops an app that
runs smoothly with no
compile or runtime
errors, reliably counts file
types, produces detailed
HTML content including
count data, and
Constructs an app that
runs without compile or
runtime errors but offers
limited functionality, with
one key feature not
operating correctly,
indicating a foundational
Builds an app free from
compile or runtime
errors, yet it exhibits
restricted functionality
due to several key
features malfunctioning,
suggesting a basic
Attempts to develop an
app but encounters
significant compile or
runtime errors, failing to
meet the project's core
Assessment 1 Brief
information, and creates
a home page using this
constructs a home page
with this HTML, with
some minor issues in
presenting information.
level of performance yet
room for improvement in
feature implementation.
operational level with
significant scope for
enhancement in feature
Implement S3 app using
cloud storage service API
(ULO1) – 45%
Implements an S3 app
with exceptional skill,
accurately listing file
types and embedding file
counts in HTML. The app
demonstrates advanced
techniques using distinct
Java methods, effective
loops, and
comprehensive exception
handling. Source code is
extensively commented,
offering clear and
insightful explanations of
Implements an S3 app
with high competence,
effectively listing file
types and embedding file
counts in HTML. Utilises
well-structured Java
methods, loops, and
exception handling to
ensure app robustness.
Source code comments
are detailed, providing
good clarity on the app's
Implements an S3 app
with good proficiency,
listing file types and
embedding file counts in
HTML with minor
inaccuracies. Java
methods, loops, and
exception handling are
used appropriately to
maintain app stability.
Source code comments
are adequate, explaining
the functionality
Implements an S3 app
that meets basic
requirements, listing file
types and embedding file
counts in HTML with
some errors. Java
methods, loops, and
exception handling are
employed but lack
refinement, affecting the
app's robustness. Source
code comments are
present but lack depth in
explaining functionalities.
Attempts to implement
an S3 app, but fails to
accurately list file types
and embed file counts in
HTML. Java methods,
loops, and exception
handling are poorly
utilised, compromising
the app's functionality.
Source code comments
are sparse or unclear,
failing to elucidate the
app's operations
Description of SCU Grades
High Distinction:
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and
applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as
outstanding in relation to the learning requirements specified.
Assessment 1 Brief
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and
applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described
as distinguished in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, demonstrates insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying
relevant skills and concepts. The student’s performance could be described as competent in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level studies in the subject area.
The student’s performance could be described as satisfactory in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.

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  • 上一篇:代做COMP30023、代寫C/C++編程設計
  • 下一篇:代寫CSCI-GA、代做Java編程語言
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